Sage Advice from my trusted ‘financial advisor’ (my husband)

I may be just a tad bit biased, but this is probably the clearest explanation of how to prepare for retirement health costs that I have read. I’m blessed to have had my husband Wayne pave the way several years before me when it came to researching Medicare options. Read on for his take on what to consider when decision-making time comes along.

The Satisfied Soul

When my journey on earth is drawing to a close, I hope and pray that I will have the same attitude of heart as my friend Kathy. Even though she was going through immense physical trials, she exhibited what I believe should be the hallmark of every believer – a satisfied soul.

Kathy didn’t know why God allowed this painful trial, but she trusted He had a plan. Kathy didn’t beg for mercy from the trial. My sister in Christ implored God to show mercy to those she loved who were still without Christ. Her Jesus loving heart desired nothing more than for God to be glorified in her, by life or by death.

May I live my life as Kathy did – eager to know the Lord better today than I did yesterday. May I be as generous with the resources God has entrusted to my care, investing what I have in the kingdom.

Tonight happens to be my friend Kathy’s third anniversary in heaven, and I’m listening to the lovely music of Keith and Kristin Getty. One song in particular just washed over my soul and made me think about Kathy’s testimony.

Keith & Kristyn Getty – My Worth Is Not In What I Own featuring Fernando Ortega (Official Lyric Video)

“My soul is satisfied in Him alone.”

Another Walk in the Park

It’s sometimes hard for me to study at home. There’s always something calling my name. It might be the washing machine telling me it’s time to throw in another load of dirty laundry…or transfer the clean laundry to the dryer. Sometimes it’s the voice of dust on the coffee table (or any other flat surface in my house) saying, “Dust me! Now!” And, more often than I’d like to admit, it’s something in the refrigerator calling my name and saying, “Eat me! Eat me!”

Continue reading “Another Walk in the Park”

A Lovely U-Turn

Two days of putting one foot in front of another. Remember what I said in my last post?

“The local Rotary Club has created a fantastic walking trail near my workplace too. I have purposed in my heart to take a lap around that trail before work tomorrow.”

Cindie Winquist, budding walking enthusiast

Well, I did it, and here are the pictures to prove it.

The Oregon Rotary Trail has plenty of nice blacktop paths, but I decided to get off of the paved trail and follow this grassy path toward the setting sun. I walked 15 minutes in and 15 minutes out.

Loved every minute.

I should tell you that I almost skipped it. I left the house too late this morning to get a walk in before work. I know I had purposed it in my heart to walk that trail, but, after a busy day of baking, I was now tuckered out and ready to head home. As is my usual custom, I would swing by the nursing home and drop in for a quick visit with my brother (he expects me on Mondays and Thursdays and looks forward to me bringing him a fresh-baked cookie or two). The Oregon Rotary Trail is situated between my workplace and Brad’s place. I decided it was too late to get a walk in, so drove past the park. A few blocks later, I ended up making a U-turn.

I’m so glad I did.

P.S. Brad got his visit and his cookies afterward.

One Foot in Front of the Other

I went for a walk today. According to my pedometer app, it was just a 1.8 mile walk around my neighborhood. It was something I had been putting off. But I did it and it was . . .

Brisk. Refreshing. Enjoyable.

Why is that first step out of the door so hard to take? I’m not sure of the answer to that question, but I am glad I took that step today.

I’m not very good at following through on new year’s fitness goals, but recently decided it’s time to add some movement to my weight loss journey.

I really don’t have good excuses as to why I don’t walk more often. My beautiful neighborhood and a nearby park offer great walking opportunities.

McKee Farms Park

Dozens of people walk or run past my home every morning on their way to this treasure of a park. I really need to stop finding excuses and just get out there and join them. One foot in front of the other.

McKee Farms Park path in autumn

The local Rotary Club has created a fantastic walking trail near my workplace too. I have purposed in my heart to take a lap around that trail before work tomorrow. There’s also a sweet little conservation area which is somehow connected with the trail system in Oregon. It’s kind of a hidden treasure which I should really explore at different times throughout the year.

So, here’s to a 2024 with lots of first steps out of my front door.

Cindie Winquist, budding walking enthusiast

My 2023 in Flowers

It seems to me that the year 2023 whooshed by in a hurry to 2024. The gardener in me is already plotting out what I’d like to see in my garden in the next growing season. I thought it might be fun to reflect upon some of that beauty of last year as I look forward to the growth and beauty in the year that lies ahead. Won’t you join me?

Continue reading “My 2023 in Flowers”

Hello. My Name is Cindie,

…and I’m a recovering sugar addict.

Last week I shared a bit about my experience with eating a ketogenic diet. I received encouraging comments and a few private messages in response to my first post, “Hello. My Name is Cindie, and I’m a sugar addict.” Link to original post

In that post, I shared a link to a YouTube channel that was really helpful for me. Dr. Ken D. Berry’s YouTube channel provided me with information about why someone like me, who is insulin resistant, should think about following this way of eating. I found his insights valuable and appreciated how he explained the science behind how this diet could benefit someone with pre-diabetes.

Today, I want to introduce you to Paula Kish at Low Carb Revelation. Her channel is my almost daily source of help and encouragement when it comes to the daily practicalities of following a ketogenic way of eating. I was drawn to Paula and her channel because she began her keto journey two years ago for many of the same health challenges that I face. Her husband Ed joined her in this dietary lifestyle and often pops in on her vlog posts. Most recently, Ed is going through a healing journey following a horrendous motorcycle accident. Seeing how their diet has helped in the healing process has been truly informative and inspirational.

Continue reading “Hello. My Name is Cindie,”

By God’s Grace and for His Glory

A sweet friend and aspiring blogger once asked me to guest write on her fledgling blog. I was happy to do so, as I was trying to get my own blogging endeavor off the ground and thought exposure to someone else’s audience might be helpful. As we all know, life doesn’t always follow our plans. God had other plans. My friend’s life filled up with the other good things God had planned for her life, and the blogging endeavor went by the wayside.

I almost deleted the article I wrote as a guest, because it remained unpublished in my draft folder for years. Before hitting “delete,” I re-read it and decided to hit “publish” before another year passes. It is my hope that this post will encourage another caregiver. I hope they find that no matter where life leads us, with God’s assistance, we can live by God’s grace and for His glory.

Continue reading “By God’s Grace and for His Glory”

Comfort and Joy

Feeling more than a little bit under the weather right now. Whatever my husband has hit me hard yesterday. I tried my best not to get sick, but the monster cough caught me.

Wayne feels horrible about sharing whatever this is with me, but we are now sporting his and her bottles of cough syrup.

His and Hers
Continue reading “Comfort and Joy”

Getting the Tap Root

Joining my friends at Six on Saturday for some garden-related photos and fun. There’s not a whole lot going on my December garden–nothing that merits taking photos, anyway. There’s not even a trace of snow to photograph. Rather than bore you with photos of brown stuff, I thought I’d finish up a post I started way back in April, but never posted.

Continue reading “Getting the Tap Root”
Patti Bee

All things come. All things go.

Caring for Dementia

Behaviour Support Specialist • Emotion-focused Care Strategies

Low Carb Revelation LLC

Ketogenic Diet & Lifestyle

Lindy Thompson

thoughts on the spiritual journey

Words and Herbs

For all who appreciate the beauty of words, flowers and homecooking

Wild Daffodil

the joy of creativity

The Three Hairs Garden

Part of something bigger in a small town garden.

Stacy J. Edwards

The Lord God has given me the tongue of those who are taught, that I may know how to sustain with a word him who is weary. - Isaiah 50:4

A Plantsman's World

A selection of plants I have grown in North West England plus a little meandering into other areas.

Fake Flamenco

Connecting the Americas, Bridging Cultures Supergringa in Spain: A Travel Memoir

Travelling is my joy of living. Sit back relax and come with me.